
moving; commercials

it's officially winter! a few days ago I just got a notice to go to the immigration office and pick up my work visa. From now on I will officially be a company employee! my first official day of work is January 7th, wish me luck!
with that said I have to move on Dec. 29th! 
year after year, when i have to move, it's the same old thing. look at all my stuff... how am I going to pack it all... aaahhh... run away... and then a day or two before... crap! I am moving the day after tomorrow! how am I going to pack it all?! 
but this evening, I'm really going to do it! I'm just going to look at it a different way. 
is it really this simple? absolutely not, but I'm going to pretend it is. 
right after I finish this post.

and now, in the spirit of procrastination, here's some of my favourite Japanese TV commercials. can you tell what they're selling and/or promoting? (#1 contains a visual pun, it's for ultrabook [uru-tora book] and in japanese, "tora" means tiger... ha! ha!)

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