July 7 2008年7月7日
七夕祭りTanabata Festival
On the 7th Yuuki, Yuuki's friends Kaori and Yuuka, and I went to the Tanabata Festival in Hiratsuka for the evening. Tanabata is a festival where everyone writes a wish down on a piece of paper, and then hangs it on strings tied up. Like all other Japanese festivals, there are also vendors selling festival food (Okonomiyaki, noodles, sausages, Takoyaki, baked potatoes, and sweets like Castella, cotton candy, chocolate covered bananas) and toys. I think my favourite kind of food was the okonomi-yaki, hiroshima style, but without any meat. Hiroshima style is a bit different than Osaka style, it's a bit like a crepe filled with stuff like cabbage, egg, noodles, pickled ginger, bacon, and other ingredients which may vary from vendor to vendor.