Yesterday was my JAPN 302 final.. not too fun. I think I did well but we had to write 3 compositions in addition to two booklets of kanji/vocab/honourific and academic language questions.
Anyhow after that I went to put away my notes from this term. Then I found an old practice booklet from my elementary Japanese days. I used to take the vocab I needed to learn and make sentences with those words. Unfortunately I wasn't too good at grammar or Japanese in general. the result: hilarious Japanese sentences!
The Japanese have Engrish, but Japanese spoken by foreigners is just as funny! Here I will post 50 great sentences from that booklet. Although there are some funny parts you can't translate into English, and also my handwriting is funny.
① お父さんは床屋に行きますか。Does your father go to the barber shop?
② お金持ちは大変なせいかつがありません。 The rich do not have a hard lifestyle.
③ びんぼな人は大変な生活があります。 The poor have a hard lifestyle.
④ 父は若い時に、野球をしました。 My dad played baseball [once] when he was young.
⑤ 友だちはなかよしな顔がいます。 My friend owns a friendly face.
⑥ ピエロはこわいと思う! I think clowns are scary!
⑦ でも、あのピエロは親切だ。 But, that clown is nice.
⑧ 映画を見の時に、座ってください。 When seeing a movie, sit down.
⑨ カナダはずっと大きい国です。 Canada is a much big country.
⑩ 私は少しねむいです。余りねましたから。 I am sleepy. Since I slept a lot. [meant to be "not much"]
⑪ 昼御飯のお弁当を忘れないでください。 Please do not forget your lunch box.
⑫ お風呂に余り入らないが、よくシャワーに入る。 I don't take a bath much, but I often go inside the shower.
⑬ バスに乗りました。そして、バスに降りました。 I boarded the bus. Then, I got off the bus.
⑭ この歌を聞いてください。私の好きのですから。 Please hear this song. because it's my favourite.
⑮ ダライ・ラマは、意地悪ではない。 The Dalai Lama is not mean.
⑯ きっ茶店に行きたい?もちろん、行きましょう。 You wanna go to a cafe? Of course, let us go. [different politeness levels]
⑰ 私は子供の時に弟と友だちがいましたから、寂しくなかったです。 Because my brother and I had friends when we were kids, we were not lonely.
⑱ いいえ、たくさん勉強しましたから、まだ何も食べました。No, because I did lots of studying, I ate everything yet.
⑲ あの人はちょっとこわいと思う。静かで、よく私にじろじろ見るから。I think that person is a bit scary. Because he is quiet and he often stares to me.
⑳ スエーデン語が上手ですね。本当ですか。。。?!Your Swedish is good. Really...?!
21 あさって、何かする?出かけませんか。You doing anything the day after tomorrow? Won't you go out? [different politeness levels]
22 日本の新かんせんはずっと便利な電車ですね。Isn't Japan's bullet train a much convenient train!
23 母は眼鏡をかけていますが、子供の時、かけていません。My mom wears glasses, but in her childhood, she isn't wearing them.
24 あたしの犬と散歩するのが大好きだ。静かで、面白いから。I like to walk with my dog. It's quiet and interesting.
25 明日、試験を書いたり、図書館で本をかりたりする。Tomorrow, I will write an exam, borrow a book from the library, etc.
26 姉は有名な人で、お金持ちになりたい。ちょっと変なゆめと思う。My older sister is famous, and wants to become rich. It's kind of a strange dream, I think.
27 この眼鏡の中で、どのが一半ファッションがいいと思いますか。Among these (eye)glasses, which do you think is one-half good fashion?
28 にんげんはピエロが好きですが、私はピエロはこわいと思います。。。いやあ Humans like clowns, but I think clowns are scary... ugh.
29 出かけましょう。よかったら、コンサートに行く。Let us (let's) go out! If you want we'll go to a concert.
30 明日、別に何もしていませんから、ひまです。Tomorrow, I am not doing anything separately, so I am free.
31 姉は今度、結婚します。いいですね。My older sister is getting married soon. Isn't that nice.
32 -ところで、明日、しけんがあります。By the way, there's a test tomorrow.
-びっくりですね!いやあ。What a surprise, isn't it! ugh.
33 ひこうきに乗るの時に、どんな便に乗りますか。At the time of you boarding a plane, what kind of flight do you board?
34 季節の中で、どのは一番好きですか。Among the seasons, which is favourite?
35 姉はもう結婚していましたか。Has my sister already been married?
36 お正月ですね。乾杯しましょう。Isn't it New Year's? Let us toast.
37 日本には「塊だまし」が在ります。 Japan has "Katamari Damashi".
38 政治にきょうみが有るし、日本語を上手に読めるし、毎日日本の新聞を読みます。Because I've got an interest in politics, and I can read Japanese well, I read Japan's newspaper every day.
39 休なら元気ですが、のどがいたいです!!!!If it's a rest and I'm well, but my throat is sore!!!!
40 先週、その夫婦が糸婚しました。Last week, that couple got m ried. [I didn't finish writing the kanji, so it just means "thread marry"]
41 久しぶりですね。六月間会った事が無いね。It's been a long time, hasn't it. 6 months I have never met you (in my life).
42 私は編め無いが、母が編めるよ。I don't have can knit, but my mom can knit!
43 日曜日は出かけられません。用事があるんです。I can't go out (of the house) on Sunday. I have errands.
44 しあいはすばらしかったよ。カナックスは十点を持ったんだ。The game was superb! The Canucks held 10 points.
45 ファッションのざっしは沢山広告が有りますね!!!Fashion magazines have lots of ads, don't they!!! [kanji use is funny]
46 実は、私は四年間日本語を勉強します。 Actually, I study Japanese for four years.
47 それは日本の出身女の人です。 That [standing beside listener] is woman from Japan.
48 スケートパークに母を連れて来ました。 I brought my mother to the skate park.
49 今夜、車を洗うだろうと思います。 I think tonight, I will probably wash the car.
50 何か飲みませんか。私はのどが渇いたんです。 Won't you have something to drink? I am thirsty.
お祭り!!Japanese Festivals!!
July 7 2008年7月7日
七夕祭りTanabata Festival
On the 7th Yuuki, Yuuki's friends Kaori and Yuuka, and I went to the Tanabata Festival in Hiratsuka for the evening. Tanabata is a festival where everyone writes a wish down on a piece of paper, and then hangs it on strings tied up. Like all other Japanese festivals, there are also vendors selling festival food (Okonomiyaki, noodles, sausages, Takoyaki, baked potatoes, and sweets like Castella, cotton candy, chocolate covered bananas) and toys. I think my favourite kind of food was the okonomi-yaki, hiroshima style, but without any meat. Hiroshima style is a bit different than Osaka style, it's a bit like a crepe filled with stuff like cabbage, egg, noodles, pickled ginger, bacon, and other ingredients which may vary from vendor to vendor.
July 5 2008年7月5日
After the Gardens I went to Ginza, which is another shopping district which has a lot of department stores. there was even a 6-floor bookstore, and I got Carl a magazine about skiing and kimonos. I hope he will enjoy it.
東京タワー Tokyo Tower
Tokyo Tower was a lot of fun, and the view was great since it was nice out! unfortunately I couldn't see Mount Fuji.
After Tokyo Tower I went to Harajuku, which is a famous shopping district and a neighbourhood where teens and fans of cosplay and Goth-loli fashion like to hang out.
Also a good place to get crepes.
After coming to the end of Takeshita st. I continued on and ended up at a cool cafe and art gallery area. Naturally, I was stoked.
July 6 2008年7月6日
On the 6th I went to the Imperial Gardens right in the middle of Tokyo. The picture of me is outside the Archives and Mausolea Department. Sadly I did not get to go inside.
After the Gardens I went to Ginza, which is another shopping district which has a lot of department stores. there was even a 6-floor bookstore, and I got Carl a magazine about skiing and kimonos. I hope he will enjoy it.
registration at UBC!
Next year's classes:
Luckily, I ended up with no early morning classes this year.
JAPN 300, 301, 302, 303 - 3rd year Japanese - 12 credits
SCAN 300, 310 - Beginning swedish - 6 credits
9 credits of 3rd year psychology - Behaviour Disorders (3); The Brain and Behaviour (6) I think.
ENGL 321 - English grammar (distance ed. section) - 3 credits
a detailed timetable of my week for terms one and two. for safety reasons I think I will leave out the section and room numbers.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 月水木
11:00-12:00 Psyc 300A Behaviour Disorders 心理学-
12:00-1:00 Scan 300 Beginning Swedish
Tuesday and Thursday 火木
11:00-12:30 Psyc 304
12:30-2:00 Japn 302
3:30-5:00 Japn 300
TERM 2 二学期
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 月水木
10:00-11:00 Scan 310
11:00-9:00 skiing... psych! haha
Tuesday, thursday 火木
11:00-12:30 Psyc 304
12:30-2:00 Japn 303
3;30-5:00 Japn 301
Luckily, I ended up with no early morning classes this year.
JAPN 300, 301, 302, 303 - 3rd year Japanese - 12 credits
SCAN 300, 310 - Beginning swedish - 6 credits
9 credits of 3rd year psychology - Behaviour Disorders (3); The Brain and Behaviour (6) I think.
ENGL 321 - English grammar (distance ed. section) - 3 credits
a detailed timetable of my week for terms one and two. for safety reasons I think I will leave out the section and room numbers.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 月水木
11:00-12:00 Psyc 300A Behaviour Disorders 心理学-
12:00-1:00 Scan 300 Beginning Swedish
Tuesday and Thursday 火木
11:00-12:30 Psyc 304
12:30-2:00 Japn 302
3:30-5:00 Japn 300
TERM 2 二学期
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 月水木
10:00-11:00 Scan 310
11:00-9:00 skiing... psych! haha
Tuesday, thursday 火木
11:00-12:30 Psyc 304
12:30-2:00 Japn 303
3;30-5:00 Japn 301
Shibuya and Rumi's birthday party 渋谷で祐希と遊び、後、るみちゃんのお誕生日パーティー
Yesterday (friday) after my class Yuuki and I went to Shibuya to check it out and window shop a bit. It was crazy! I was amazed by all the tall buildings and ads everywhere, and Yuuki found that funny. she would ask 'Why are you taking a picture of that??' when I stopped to take pictures of the buildings. well, that's what tourists do.. I guess.
one of the highlights was going to the Bape shop! I bought a cell phone strap there. I'll have to get a cell phone to go with it.
After we got back home, we met up with Yuuki's friends Rumi, and Davey (sp?) (another student from the JEC and also a UBC student! although we had never met before).
Today is Rumi's birthday and yesterday we threw a party for her. I made tomato pasta and cheese casserole and spinach salad, and Yuuki made cheesecake, since Rumi likes western cuisine. Then we lit the huge set of fireworks Natsuki and I bought a couple of weeks ago. too much fun!
うちに帰ってきた後で、るみちゃんとデイビーさん(祐ちゃんのお友達)に会う。今日はるみちゃんのお誕生日なので、昨日パーティーを行った。エマは洋食を作って、祐ちゃんはチーズケーキを作って、みんな一緒に食べてから花火をした。エマにとって、花火は初めて、スゴイ楽しかった。 (o^-^)o
one of the highlights was going to the Bape shop! I bought a cell phone strap there. I'll have to get a cell phone to go with it.
After we got back home, we met up with Yuuki's friends Rumi, and Davey (sp?) (another student from the JEC and also a UBC student! although we had never met before).
Today is Rumi's birthday and yesterday we threw a party for her. I made tomato pasta and cheese casserole and spinach salad, and Yuuki made cheesecake, since Rumi likes western cuisine. Then we lit the huge set of fireworks Natsuki and I bought a couple of weeks ago. too much fun!
うちに帰ってきた後で、るみちゃんとデイビーさん(祐ちゃんのお友達)に会う。今日はるみちゃんのお誕生日なので、昨日パーティーを行った。エマは洋食を作って、祐ちゃんはチーズケーキを作って、みんな一緒に食べてから花火をした。エマにとって、花火は初めて、スゴイ楽しかった。 (o^-^)o
I couldn't believe my ears when Yuuki told me this scene is uncrowded for Shibuya.
The same crosswalk as above.I found this humping dog figurine in a department store, Tokyu Hands. lolz...
The Bape store! now I am cool!
鎌倉日帰りの旅行 Kamakura Day trip
June 29 2008年6月29日(日)
On Sunday the 29th Satoe, Yuuki and I went to Kamakura (sort of near Yokohama) which is about an hour south of Tokyo. it's a beautiful town in the countryside, but there are lots of temples and other attractions to see, as well as the wilderness and hills in that area. We saw four different temples and went to a bamboo forest (!!) the likes of which I had never heard before. We also got to drink real Japanese Matcha, which is served with sweets, in the forest. For lunch we had delicious fresh ramen.
This is a picture from a traditional Japanese wedding being held at one of the temples we visited. We were very surprised to find a wedding being held there!
This is the bamboo forest, peaceful and even more amazing in real life.
浅草・雷門 Asakusa and Kaminarimon
June 28, 2008年6月28日(土)
On saturday the 28th, Yuuki, Rumi, and I went to Asakusa and Kaminarimon, which is a popular tourist spot. Kaminarimon means Thunder Gate, and there is also a temple there with a bunch of vendors selling souvenirs along the long road between the gate and the temple. After sightseeing we had soba and then went to Rumi's place, and her generous mother made us more food!
part of the view from Rumi's apartment. the gold coloured building is a beer company apparently. The funny looking black and gold building is an apartment complex.
A vendor selling kibi-dango/Japanese sweets
Rumi and I in front of Kaminarimon. The lantern says 'kaminari mon'
the underside of the big lantern in the middle of the gate. Notice all the stickers people have stuck on the inside.
A variety of chopsticks sold by one of the vendors at Kaminarimon.
The temple
Yuuki looks sad because she got a bad fortune. :(
Yuuki looks sad because she got a bad fortune. :(
The soba restaurant. I was surprised to see such a quaint building in the middle of Asakusa!
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